Black Reins is always searching for quality writers.
If you are interested in writing, please take a moment to look over our writer guidelines.
Writing Guidelines:
Personal Style
Develop your voice, express your opinion, but be concrete in how you formed that opinion and distinguish the subjective from the objective. Your writing should display maturity and emphasize substance over attitude. But do personalize your writing; inject your life into your writing as appropriate. Search for a sense of place or a narrative. After all, cultural criticism is not an objective, quantifiable science.
Be thorough. Never do an interview without a tape recorder, and save the tapes in case there’s an alleged discrepancy. If you are unsure of any facts in the article, please call this to our attention at the beginning of the article. We can help you verify the facts or remove them from the article.
Use italics for titles of recordings, videos, books, films, and television programs.
What we’re looking for
Feature profiles
Trend Stories
How to Submit
Submissions can be emailed to